Guide to Pest Control Chemicals 101

What Chemicals Do Professionals Use?

Chemical Sprayers

Pest control isn’t something most of us think about until we really need it.

But let me tell you, when that moment comes – knowledge is power!

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of pest control chemicals (Safe when used by experts). And learn what the professional pest controllers use so we can keep those pesky critters at bay.

The crucial role of pest control

Pest control might not sound like the most exciting topic on Earth (to put it mildly).

But trust me, when things go wrong and creepy crawlies invade our homes or gardens – well – that changes FAST!

Not only are pests unpleasant to look at and have around as they munch on your precious plants or infest your pantry.

They can also spread diseases and cause major damage to our property.

Chemicals: A key player in pest control

The good news? There’s something we can do about these unwelcome guests.

One weapon in our arsenal against these invaders is chemicals. Now, I know that may sound a little scary at first, but when used correctly by trained professionals, these chemicals can be our heroes in the battle against pests.

Plus when used according to label instructions that are safer than you think.

Time to meet the chemicals

So you’re ready to take back control and learn about those powerful pest-fighting compounds professionals use? Let’s get to it!

There are a variety of groups out there formulated specifically to target and eliminate different types of pests.

From insecticides and rodenticides to repellents and more, we’ve got quite the lineup coming up. So let’s dive right in and discover what chemical wonders exterminators have at their disposal in their epic quest for pest-free living spaces!

Understanding Pests and Their Behaviors

Meet the troublemakers: Common pests and their traits

Before we learn how to defeat our foes, we need to know who they are! So allow me to introduce you to some of the common pests. And trust me, they’re not a fun bunch:

  • Insects: These include ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and termites. They may be small but dang, can they cause big issues.
  • Rodents: Rats and mice might look cute in cartoons, but in your kitchen? Not so much.
  • Spiders: Some people love ’em; others (including yours truly!) would pay a fortune just not to lay eyes on them. And more. Will will break down what chemicals the pros use on pests at the end of the article.

The dark side of pests: Health and property risks

Now that we know our enemies let’s talk about why it’s essential to keep them under control:

  • Health hazards: Pests like mosquitoes can spread diseases such as malaria or Zika virus, while rodents can carry hantavirus or salmonellosis. And let’s not even get started on what cockroaches leave behind.
  • Property damage: Infestations by termites or carpenter ants can compromise your home’s structural integrity. So be careful.

How pest behaviors shape our battle plan

To make things trickier for us (because life isn’t fun without challenges), the choice of chemicals used in pest control is heavily influenced by pest behavior:

  1. Feeding habits: Some pests prefer sweets, while others might go for greasy or protein-rich foods. Choosing the right bait can make all the difference in luring them to their doom.
    2. Activity patterns: Are the critters you’re dealing with nocturnal, or do they frolic around during daytime? This helps determine when and where to apply treatments for maximum effect.
    3. Reproduction: A single female cockroach can produce 300-400 offspring in just a few months. Talk about a baby boom! Understanding these reproductive habits helps professionals pick insecticides that will not only eliminate adult pests but also their egg-carrying counterparts.

Now that we’ve covered pest basics, are you ready to learn about all those amazing chemicals that work wonders against these little troublemakers?

Read on – the secret arsenal of professional exterminators awaits!

A Pest Esterminator Spraying Pesticides

Types of Pest Control Chemicals

A. Insecticides: Your ally against creepy crawlies

Insecticides are chemicals specifically designed to kill or control insect pests (surprising, right?). They come in different formulations such as sprays, dust, granules, and even bait stations. Professionals use insecticides to tackle a wide range of pests like ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, fleas, bed bugs – you name it!

Common types

When exterminators knock on the door with their chemical-packed toolkits, you’ll find a few standout insecticides they rely on to get the job done:

A. Pyrethroids

These synthetic chemicals mimic natural pyrethrins found in chrysanthemum flowers (who knew?). They’re fast-acting and mess with the nervous systems of unsuspecting insects.

B. Neonicotinoids

Hey there! Meet the new kids on the block! Developed in the 1990s as an alternative to older pesticides (out with the old!), these chemicals act on receptors in insects’ brains that aren’t present in mammals—making them safer for us while still deadly to pests.

C. Organophosphates

This group rings a caution bell since they can be toxic to humans when mishandled But fear not! When used correctly by pros wearing proper safety gear, they offer strong protection against stubborn insects.

So next time you see a professional exterminator in action, you’ll know they’ve got a pretty impressive lineup of insecticides in their arsenal to send those pesky bugs packing!

 Bait Block Rodenticide Anticoagulant


B. Rodenticides: Bye-bye, rodents!

Got a rodent problem? Say hello to your new best friends: rodenticides! These chemicals are designed to tackle rats, mice, and other unwelcome furry guests. They come in various forms like bait blocks, pellets, or powders that can be strategically placed in areas where rodents frequent.

These substances work by causing critical physiological dysfunction in the unfortunate pests Meaning once they’ve dined on the treated bait, it’s game over for them.

Common types

When it comes to ousting rodents from our homes or businesses, professional rodent control companies have two main categories of rodenticides up their sleeves:

A. Anticoagulants

This might sound intense (and yeah, it kinda is), but these chemicals interfere with the ability of rodents’ blood to clot—leading to internal bleeding and eventually… well… you know how this ends ☠️. Known as “slow-acting,” anticoagulants have been saving us from rat infestations since the 1940s!

B. Non-anticoagulants

Offering an alternative route to victory against pesky rodents, non-anticoagulant rodenticides impact different functions within their bodies such as disrupting metabolism or cellular respiration. Some common examples include bromethalin and zinc phosphide.

Whether using anticoagulant or non-anticoagulant formulas. It’s essential to trust a professional who knows how to handle these potentially dangerous chemicals safely, so we can wave goodbye to rodents without putting ourselves or our furry friends at risk. So go ahead; let the experts wield their rodenticide know-how to create a rodent-free zone you (and everyone else!) can enjoy in peace.

C. Termiticides: Tiny terrors, be gone!

Termites may be small in size, but they can cause significant destruction! To show these wood-munching monsters who’s boss, we’ve got termiticides: chemicals explicitly tailored for termite control.

These powerful substances help protect homes and other wooden structures against the relentless onslaught of termite infestations. Professionals use termiticides during soil treatments or direct applications to wood – eliminating existing termite colonies and creating a safeguard against future invasions.

Common types

Among the many chemical superheroes in a professional exterminator’s toolkit, you’ll find some particularly popular termiticides:

A. Fipronil

One of the most common active ingredients in termite control products is none other than mighty Fipronil! This non-repellent insecticide works as a slow-acting poison engulfed by termites upon contact or ingestion and then spread throughout their colony, eventually wiping them out.

B. Imidacloprid

Hailing from our previously discussed group – Neonicotinoids – Imidacloprid targets the insect nervous system leading to paralysis and eventual demise💀. Once again, it spreads within the termite community for maximum impact.

Let it be known that even the most resilient of tiny home wreckers shall fall before these formidable professional-grade termiticides.

Embrace peace of mind knowing those pesky critters are no match for expertly deployed chemical arsenals.

D. Fungicides: Crusaders against fungal foes

Fighting fungi? Then fungicides are the chemical warriors you need! These compounds target mold, mildew, and other fungi that can damage your plants or threaten your health. Professionals use fungicides in various settings to protect gardens, lawns, and even the indoor environment.

Common types

When it comes to vanquishing fungal threats, pros typically choose from two main categories of fungicides:

A. Contact

As the name suggests, these fungicides work where they directly touch – offering a protective barrier against fungi on plant surfaces. They’re perfect for situations where you know precisely where those sneaky spores might strike!

B. Systemic

These fungicides have a secret weapon: they can move within the plant itself! Once absorbed by leaves or roots, they travel through the plant’s system and fight off fungal infections from within.

E. Herbicides: Plant assassins at large!

Sometimes plants themselves become troublemakers (I’m looking at you, weeds). That’s when herbicides come into play. These chemicals control unwanted vegetation by disrupting specific processes vital to their growth or survival.

Common types

Herbicide choice varies based on the situation, but pros commonly rely on two categories:

A. Selective

Playing favorites with plants? Absolutely! Selective herbicides target specific species without harming

others. This means pros can apply targeted control to eliminate pesky weeds without damaging the beauty of a lawn or garden.

B. Non-selective

These equal-opportunity herbicides take a bolder approach – if it’s green and leafy, it’s going down!

Professionals use them for clearing large areas or treating spots where no plant life is desired.

How Professionals Choose the Right Chemicals

It’s more than just a guessing game.

When selecting pest control chemicals, professionals don’t simply grab the first bottle they see on the shelf. Several factors guide their decision-making process:

  1. Type of pest: Identifying the unwelcome visitors is crucial in choosing chemicals specifically designed for annihilating them.
  2. Environment: Pros consider both the indoor and outdoor environments when deciding what type of chemical to use, while also keeping ecosystems in check.
  3. Safety concerns: Professionals assess potential risks for humans or pets and use chemicals with appropriate safety profiles.

Investigate before you exterminate: Assessing a pest problem

Before diving into action, pros perform an inspection to:

  • Identify pests and infestation levels.
  • Discover entry points or nesting sites (think of it as solving a mystery).
  • Understand unique environmental factors that might affect treatment efficacy.

A tailor-made plan just for you!

Once your professional exterminator has gathered all this vital intel, they’ll customiSe a unique treatment plan based on their findings. Ensuring optimum results without hurting Mother Nature or our loved ones. They do this by:

  1. Selecting specific chemicals proven effective against identified pests.
  2. Applying treatments at strategic locations where pests are most likely to be encountered.
  3. Considering preventative measures like sealing up potential entry points or recommending improved sanitation practices.

Armed with knowledge of these pest control chemicals, rest easy knowing that when you hire professional exterminators, they’ve got an array of potent weapons. And a strategic plan. To reclaim your space from pesky critters. So go ahead and enjoy that backyard barbecue, confident in the fact that your pest problem is (quite literally) in expert hands.

What About Safety Measures and Regulations?

Safety first: The golden rule in handling pest control chemicals.

Messing with chemicals can be a high-stakes game if not handled with care, Especially when it comes to pest control substances. That’s why prioritising safety is an absolute must.

Keeping everyone protected: people, pets, and the planet, is of utmost importance. Especially when dealing with potentially dangerous substances that pack a punch against pests.

Suit up! Common safety measures taken by professionals.

When professional exterminators work their magic, they’ve got a tried-and-trusted checklist to ensure no harm comes anyone’s way:

  • Protective gear: Pros wear things like gloves, masks, goggles—even full-body suits—to minimise contact with hazardous materials.
  • Proper storage: Keeping chemicals under lock and key (or at least in a secure location) prevents curious kids or pets from accidentally getting into some serious trouble.
  • Label literacy: Pros always read product labels carefully before use. Because knowing is half the battle.
  • Safe disposal: Disposing of unused chemicals or used containers responsibly helps keep our environment clean and green.

Aussie regulations for safe use of pest control chemicals

In Australia, managing pest control chemical use is indeed a team effort. Although we are a laid back kinda bunch and love a good “G’day mate!”, Sticking to the rules is serious business.. This involves both federal and state authorities:

Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)

This organisation puts new pesticide products to the test. Granting approval only if they’re deemed safe and effective for use.

State governments

Each Australian state follows its own set of rules (the cool kids call them “legislation”) in regulating pest control chemicals. They ensure their proper and secure usage by professionals on a day-to-day basis.

That way, both the big picture and local communities stay safeguarded. From every city in Australia, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth and everywhere in between!

Alternatives to Chemical Pest Control

Biological control methods: Introducing friendly predators 🐸

Who says you can’t fight nature with nature? Biological control taps into natural predator-prey relationships, using beneficial organisms (think insects, birds, retiles, or microorganisms) to reduce pest populations.

One famous example is releasing ladybugs in gardens to feast on pesky aphids. Without needing any chemicals at all! How cool is that? You can learn more about eco-friendly pest control here.

Mechanical control methods: Build your barriers ⛏️

Putting technology to work for us . That’s what mechanical control methods are all about.

These strategies involve physical actions like trapping, barriers, or direct removal of pests. So whether it’s mousetraps catching rodents or sticky flypapers nabbing bugs mid-flight, these hands-on techniques offer a chemical-free alternative, for those who prefer a more physical approach.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM): A multi-pronged attack plan 🎯

Rolling out the heavy artillery from the get-go isn’t always the answer. And that’s where IPM comes in.

This method combines biological, cultural (think cultivation techniques or sanitation measures), mechanical and – when needed – chemical strategies.

To provide a  comprehensive pest management approach.

By integrating various approaches and regularly monitoring pest activity levels, IPM aims for long-lasting results and minimised reliance on chemicals.


What are common chemicals and brands Professional Pest Conrollers use in Australia?

In Australia, pest controllers use an array of trusted chemicals and brands tailored for each specific type of pest.

Let’s break it down by pest type to give you an idea of what they might employ.


  • Termidor (active ingredient: Fipronil)
  • Premise (active ingredient: Imidacloprid)
  • Biflex Aquamax (active ingredient: Bifenthrin)


  • Seclira (active ingredient: Deltamethrin)
  • Temprid 75 (active ingredients: Imidacloprid and Beta-cyfluthrin)
  • Maxforce Gold (active ingredients include Hydramethylnon or Imidacloprid)


  • Advion Ant Gel Bait (activeingredient: Indoxacarb)
  • Amdro Granular Ant Bait (active ingredient: Hydramethylnon)

4. Rodents:

  • Talon (anticoagulant rodenticide containing Brodifacoum)
  • Ratsak (anticoagulant rodenticide containing Bromadiolone).
  • Ditrac – (anticoagulant aslo contains Brodifacoum)


  • Starycide (powerful insect growth regulator (IGR) – main active ingredient triflumuron)


  • Demand Insecticide 10CS MicroCapsules (active ingredient: Lambda-cyhalothrin


Now for oure chemical recap. We’ve seen that they play a vital role in tackling persistent and unwelcome critters invading our spaces. No matter who the culprit might be – insects, rodents, fungi, or unwanted plants.

Underneath it all though, we’re reminded that these powerful substances should only be used by trained professionals. Because safety is always priority number one!

Advocating for safe and responsible pest-fighting

So whether you decide to go down the chemical route or explore alternative strategies to keep pests at bay—remember. Seek help from experienced pros!

They know just which substances, methods (or even predatory pals!) are best suited for your specific situation. All while prioritising your health and well-being.


To guide you further on your quest for knowledge regarding pest control chemicals and methods, here are some handy sources from Aus and around the globe:

Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines AuthorityAPVMA

NSW Department of Primary IndustriesPesticides

Environmental Protection Agency (USA) – Pest Control and Pesticide Safety for Consumers