Carpet Cleaning To Prevent Dust Mites

Learn About Dust Mites Allergy and Carpets

Carpet Cleaning and Allergy Prevention

Carpets are the perfect home for dust mites and other allergens. Dust mite allergies affect thousands of people throughout Australia, so it is important we find a way to control or eliminate them. In this article,  let’s find out the importance of using professional carpet cleaners in preventing dust mites allergy.

What Are Dust Mites?

Dust mites are microscopic insects that measure just about one quarter or 0.2-0.3 millimeters in length. As they are so small you’d need a microscope to see them. These tiny bugs have 8 legs just like spiders. They thrive in warm and humid environments. The dust mites feed on dead skin cells and shed them when they die. These tiny creatures also produce a substance called “mite pheromone” which attracts more dust mites. They’re commonly found in mattresses, bedding, carpets, and upholstered furniture. Although they are not known to cause any serious health problems, they can cause skin rashes, and aggravate allergies and asthma symptoms.

What are Allergens?

Allergens are types of antigens that trigger immune responses in humans that cause allergic reactions These allergic reactions may range from mild symptoms such as sneezing, itching, coughing, wheezing, and watery eyes to severe symptoms including asthma and anaphylaxis (a life-threatening reaction).

The most common types of allergies include those caused by food, pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mold spores, insect bites, latex, drugs, cosmetics, and chemicals.

Common Allergens Hiding in Carpets

Dust mites

These tiny bugs live in house dust and can cause a dust mite allergies.

Pet dander

Dander is a microscopic material shed from animals that have hair and fur like dogs and cats. The tiny skin particles are similar to dandruff.

Mould spores

Mould spores are small reproductive cells that are carried through both indoor and outdoor air. Mold spores are extremely small and an allergy can cause coughing and itchy eyes.


There are about 30 species of cockroaches in Australia. Similar to dust mkties, they can aggrevate symptoms and trigger allergies through shedding their body parts, saliva and feces.


When plants reproduce they produce a fine powder called pollen. Pollen is carried through the wind and brought to other plants to fertilize them.

Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergies

If you always seem to have allergy symptoms, you might need to see a doctor. Here are some of the symptoms you might experience.

  • Hayfever
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal congestion and a itchy noise
  • Red or watery eyes
  • Congestion
  • Itchy throat and nose
  • Cough
  • Pressure and pain in the forehead or face
  • Under-eye inflammation


If your allergy is so bad you may begin to suffer from asthma. Asthma symptoms are:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tightening of the chest
  • Wheezing
  • Trouble breathing while trying to sleep

Dust mite allergies can be mild or very severe. Mild cases only produce less symptoms, while a severe case can cause chronic symptoms.

Professional Carpet Cleaners

How carpet steam cleaning prevents dust mites?

One of the best ways to do this is to clean the carpets regularly using a professional steam cleaning machine. We recommend having your carpets professionally cleaned about every three to six months.

The heat from an industrial steam carpet cleaning machine kills dust mites more effectively than doing it yourself. The carpet cleaning machines you rent from the local store don’t have the high water temperatures professional machines can produce. The steam from hot temperatures produces deep cleaning to eliminate and kill dust mites.

Studies suggest to use steam cleaners with HEPA filtration . This is an effective way to eliminate dust mite allergens. However, the best cleaning process to eliminate dust mites is through professional carpet cleaning services that provide anti-allergen treatments.

What is a dust mite anti-allergen?

An anti-allergen is a term used to describe the process of relieving, controlling, or preventing allergic symptoms in allergy sufferers.

Dust Mite Anti-Allergen Benefits

  • Suitable for carpets, bedding, mattresses, and all household furnishings
  • Controls harmful allergens and allergy symptoms in asthma sufferers
  • Not harmful to children or animals
  • Eco-friendly and biodegradable
  • No CFC’s or toxic chemicals


Other Tips to Remove the Allergens from Your Home

Keeping carpets clean and maintained is important if you suffer from allergies.

Dust mites love humid areas so the fewer things you have that increase humidity the less likely your home will get dust mites. You also want to minimize pillows, stuffed animals and things of this nature. These items give dust mites the perfect place to live.

  • Keep carpet and floors dry
  • Vacuum regularly using a hypoallergenic vacuum cleaner
  • Change the vacuum filter on your vacuum cleaner monthly
  • Professionally steam clean the carpet every 6-12 months
  • Upholstery cleaning for sofas and lounges – Also regularly clean your mattress
  • Treat the carpet with anti-allergen chemicals
  • Ventilate Your Home – Open your windows for just a few minutes every day
  • Use an Air Purifier
  • Keep Pets Out Of Your House
  • Clean and Dust Regularly to prevent dust from building up
  • Washing bedding in hot water every week
  • Drying bedding thoroughly in a hot dryer
  • Reduce moisture in the home – Consider moving house plants and aquariums. Humid conditions and a moist environment contribute to dust mites breeding.

Sensitive Choice Program

Sensitive Choice is a program run by the National Asthma Council. The program creates awareness for asthma and allergy-aware products. The main objective is to educate Asthmatics on the importance of managing their allergies.


If you are allergic, you need to keep your home dry, well-ventilated, and as clean as possible. Never let the humidity go above 50%, and keep in mind that plants or fish tanks tend to increase the house’s humidity. Consider a regular carpet cleaning every 6 months to remove any dust particles that attract dust mites.

Keeping the home clean ensures the health of your family. Always consider hiring a professional carpet cleaner to help keep your home safe for you and your friends and family.