Why Are Pests More Active In Summer?

Summer is the Season for High Pest Activity

Why Are Pests More Active In Summer?

Summertime is a great time to be outside and enjoy all that the warm weather has to offer. However, it’s also the season when pests seem to be the most active. Are you wondering why pests are more of a problem during the summer months? Well, there are a few factors at play. In this article, we’ll examine the reasons why you’re seeing more of those creepy crawlies lurking about. We’ll also give you some tips to help protect yourself against them.

Higher temperatures and Longer Days

One of the main reasons why pests are more active during the summer is that higher temperatures. The extended daylight hours can also trigger breeding and feeding behaviors. As the weather gets warmer, pests become more active. They start to look for food and places to reproduce. This means you’re more likely to run into pests like ants, flies, and mosquitoes when you’re outside.

They Need Access to food and water

Pests are also attracted to the abundance of food and water sources available during the summer. Outdoor gatherings like barbecues and picnics can provide a tasty feast. Pests like ants, flies, and mosquitoes, especially love to hang around us. Standing water, such as that found in pools or outdoor containers, can also attract pests. They need water to breed, such as mosquitoes and flies. In addition to these outdoor sources of food and water, pests can also be attracted to food and water inside homes. To prevent pests from entering your house, be sure to store food in airtight containers and keep surfaces clean.

More People Around

Increased outdoor activities during the summer can also bring humans into closer contact with pests. If you’re spending more time outside gardening or hiking, you might come into contact with pests like ticks and chiggers. Pests can also hitch a ride into your home on clothing, luggage, or outdoor equipment. So it’s important to check for pests before bringing items inside.

Pests Biology

The biology and behavior of certain pests also make them more active during the summer. Mosquitoes and ticks, for example, thrive in warmer temperatures and higher humidity. These conditions create the perfect environment for them to develop and reproduce. Mosquitoes require a certain level of humidity for their eggs to hatch and develop into adults. Ticks need a certain level of temperature and humidity in order to become active and begin feeding.


Common Types of Pests Active During Summer

Flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches are some of the most common types of pests that are active during the summer months. Flies are attracted to food and garbage, and can transmit diseases through their contact with human food and waste. Mosquitoes are also attracted to standing water.Unfortunately, they can transmit diseases like Zika and West Nile virus through their bites. Cockroaches are attracted to food and moisture, and can contaminate surfaces and food with their feces and shed skin. In addition to these pests, other insects and rodents, such as ants, wasps, and mice, can also be more active in the hotter climates.

What Can You Do?

So, the big question remains. What can you do to protect against pests during the summer months?

There are a few steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of unwanted invaders and causing issues.

One of the most effective ways to prevent pests is to seal off entry points to your home. This can include filling in gaps and cracks in walls, floors, and foundations, as well as using weatherstripping to seal doors and windows.

You can also use insect repellents to protect against pests. There are a variety of insect repellents available, including those that contain DEET, picaridin, and oil of lemon eucalyptus. There are also a variety of store-bought pest control products available, including sprays, traps, and bait stations, that can be effective in controlling a range of pests. It’s important to read the label and follow the instructions when using insect repellents, as some may not be suitable for young children or pregnant women.

Proper storage of garbage and leftover food sources can also help to prevent pests from being attracted to your home or business.

Finally, practicing good hygiene can also help to prevent the spread of pests. This includes washing your hands regularly, particularly before eating, and cleaning up any spills or messes immediately.

By taking these preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of creepy crawlies entering your home and causing problems during the summer months.

If you’re having trouble controlling pests on your own, you may want to consider hiring a professional pest control service. Extermintors have the expertise and resources to identify and eliminate pests, and can provide ongoing protection to keep them from returning.

Termites Summer Pest


During summer months, it is important to keep an eye out for any signs of pest activity around your home or business and implement preventive measures such as sanitation, removal of potential entry points, and the use of chemical treatments or mechanical devices as necessary in order to protect yourself from an infestation.

Regular maintenance and inspection of areas vulnerable to pest activity should also be done periodically throughout the summer months in order to ensure that any potential problems are addressed quickly before they become out of control.